RAF Shinfield Park

Headquarters Flying Training Command 

(27th May 1940 - 1st June 1968)

Keith Freeman EMail fromuk2@gmail.com 

My time at Shinfield

I was posted in from RAF Leconfield (Fighter Command) in 1966 (I think - memory is a bit vague) as a Sgt Clk Stats and worked for the Command Psychologist (John James - probably more famous as an author). His staff consisted four people, a Warrant Officer (Clk Stats), myself and one other. Originally an LACW, then an SACW (Jill Parkin) and a civilian (ex-WRAF who married a fireman based in Reading),

As I was due for demob when HQFTC closed I stayed at SP and helped dispose of everything that was moveable and wanted - the rest we burnt (including the AOC-in-C's desk!). Settled in Reading I got a job at the University and stayed there for thirty odd years before retiring.

My, how time flies!